Monday 22 February 2016

Working to find young blood in the trade


  • Western Sydney is fastest growing region in nation.
  • Scarcity of machanics, carpenters, electicians, and other trader-people.
  • Apprenticeship careers Australia (ACA)held an event in Penrith called "100 jobs in 100 hours".
  • In Penrith they held an event with DJ's, Breakdances and giveaways to attract young people in the area.
  • There are more than 500 ocupations that offer apprenticeships and traineeships.


      Young people were advised about different pathways that appenticeships offered eq. 4 years can get qualification and start their own business with goverment assistance.

Personal reflection

      In my opinion government make this project is very good to help young blood people to get own business.

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