Wednesday 1 June 2016

Abraham Lincoln: Cloze Activity
Fill in the blanks in the text below.
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Word Bank:

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809- April 15, 1865) was the _________________Grant____________ President of the United States of America. He served as President from March 4, 1861, until April 15, 1865 (he was re-elected in 1864). Lincoln's ___Vice President_was Andrew Johnson (1808-1875).
Abraham Lincoln was born in a ________log_______________ cabin in ____Kentucky_______. He had very little formal schooling. He eventually became a lawyer and a Republican politician. Lincoln earned the nickname "Honest ____slavery_______." He married Mary  Todd______ in 1842.
During Lincoln's presidency, the ___Northern___________ states seceded from (left) the Union because Lincoln and the Northern states were against _________________________. Six weeks after becoming President, the _________Civil_____________ War began. In this war, the Southern_________ states (which stayed in the Union) fought the Southern states (called the ___________Abe____________________). The Civil War lasted from 1861 until _____________1865___.
On Jan. 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which eventually led to the ___________confederacy_______ of all slaves in the USA. During the Civil War, Lincoln gave many speeches, including the Gettysburg _______________________________________ (Nov. 1863), a short speech in which he stated how a country must be dedicated to human freedom in order to survive. Lincoln was ____________16th________________ President in 1864.
General Robert E. Lee (from the Confederacy) surrendered to General Ulysses S. ______Johnson________ (from the Union) on April 9, 1865, effectively ending the Civil War.

Lincoln was shot on April 14, 1865, by John Wilkes Booth (an actor). Lincoln had been attending a ___assassinated____________ at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. Lincoln died the next morning. He was the first US president ever __________________________. Andrew _______________________________________ (Lincoln's Vice-President) became the next US __________President_____________.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Roberta Sykes

Roberta "Bobbi" Sykes

Turning points

·         Sykes left school at age 14

·         she was pack-raped by four white men

·         She first became an activist in the lead-up to the landmark to census and make laws of Aboriginal people

·         she became deeply involved in the emerging ''black power'' movement

·         she was one of the founders of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra

·         she married an English migrant

·         she divorced

·         She returned to Australia from Harvard determined to create more educational opportunities for others and devoted herself to being a proactive voice for indigenous Australians.

·         Sykes suffered a stroke at her unit in Redfern in November 2002





·         She graduated in the 1980s with a doctorate in education

·         She was awarded the prestigious university's highest academic award

·         Sykes went on to be awarded the Australian Human Rights Medal in 1994

·         She became the first secretary at the embassy

·         She authored 10 books, among them two on poetry

·         She had used the Aboriginal snake motif in her acclaimed autobiographical trilogy, Snake Dreaming - made up of Snake Cradle (1997), Snake Dancing (1998) and Snake Circle (2000)

·         She began writing in the 1970s and in a 10-year period as a freelance writer, contributed many more articles on Aboriginal disadvantage and indigenous politics to various outlets, as well as film reviews and poetry

·         She also worked as the education and publicity officer for the newly established Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern. From 1975 to 1980

·         Her first book of poetry, Love Poems and Other Revolutionary Acts, was published in 1979.

·         Sykes went off to Harvard with her young daughter in tow and completed her master's degree in a year, followed by a PhD in Aboriginal education in a further two years.

·         She gained a creative writing appointment at Macquarie University

·         She went on to be a consultant to several government departments, including the NSW Department of Corrective Services and the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

·         David Bardas, the former owner of the Sportsgirl stores, has offered to commission a portrait of Sykes to be hung in the National Portrait Gallery to honour her place in Australian history.

·         Bardas recalled visiting Sykes on the campus at Harvard




Roberta "Bobbi" Sykes
1943 - 2010

  • 1943    - born in Australia
  • 1957    - left school and worked shop assistant and nurse's assistant in Townsville
  • 1960    - she was pack-raped by four white men
  • Mid 1960 - she took the stage name Opal Stone and performed striptease dancer in Kings Cross
  • 1960    - married an English migrant
  • 1967    - lead-up to census and make laws of Aboriginal people.
  • 1971    - divorced
  • 1972    - One of the founders of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra.
  • 1970 -1980 -  a freelance writer, articles on Aboriginal disadvantage and indigenous politics  
  • 1975-1980  - worked the newly established Aboriginal Medical Service in Redfern
·     1979    - Published  first book of poetry, Love Poems and Other Revolutionary
  • 1981    - completed master's degree
  • 1981    - ghosted the award-winning autobiography of well-known
  • 1983    - completed  PhD in Aboriginal education
  • 1994   -  awarded the Australian Human Rights Medal
  • 1997    - used the Aboriginal snake motif made up of Snake Cradle
  • 1998    - used the Aboriginal snake motif made up of Snake Dancing
  • 2000    - used the Aboriginal snake motif made up of Snake Circle
  • 2002    - suffered a stroke at her unit in Redfern  
  • 2010    - died aged 67 year old

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Fred Hollows (1929 - 1993)

Fred Hollows (1929 - 1993)

  • 1929     -  born in New Zealand 
  • 1960    - got a job in Australia
  • 1965    - head of the Eye Department at a Sydney hospital
  • 1970    - helped launch a national program to attack eye disease in Aboriginal 
  • 1980    - travelling all over the world to help set up eye health programs 
  • 1989    - dying of cancer
  • 1993    - died aged 64 years old

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Time line

Maureen Watson
1931 - 2009
  • 1931               - Born in Rockhampton in central Queensland
  • 1942 -1950     - worked beside her father 
  • 1952               - married Harold Bayles
  • 1970               - moved to Brisbane
  • 1970               - joined the fledgling Aboriginal rights movement 
  • 1982               - to produce six more poetry
  • 1982               - protests against the Commonwealth Games in Brisbane 
  • 1996                -received the Australia Council Red Ochre award
  • 2009                -died aged 78 years old

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Profits of Blackmores


  1. Brand demand for Blackmores
  2. Profits of sale
  3. Business growing in Vitamins and supplements
  4. Sales rose 63 %

Backmores are famous in Asia leading there for the strength of demand are growth. It's make a lot of profit in first 9 months of sale in Australia and Asia. The vitamins and supplements get profit $76 million also that sales want up to 63%.


In my opinion, Blackmores brand are famous in Australia and Asia. They have Vitamins and supplements make a lot of profits.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Government increase HELP loan

Government increase HELP loan
·         University students will pay an average of $50,000 for a three year degree.
·         The government’s higher education loan.
·         Policy into its analysis of the rising costs of student loan.
·         Significant pressure on the government.
·         Help loan are now rise to nearly 22% by 2025-2026.
University students pay $50,000 per degree and the government have policy help student for study in university .In 2025-26 Help loan will increase to 22%.
I think good news for who want to study in university because the government increase Help loan.